Machine Learning and Data Science
This machine learning and data science course is highly regarded for several reasons. Firstly, it allows participants to grasp the fundamental concepts and techniques in machine learning and data science. Through theoretical content and case studies, participants become familiar with important algorithms, methods, and tools in this field.
Secondly, this course is suitable for individuals interested in machine learning and data science and seeking to strengthen their skills in this area. It caters to students, researchers, industry professionals, and anyone looking for an opportunity to enhance their knowledge in machine learning and data science.
The primary goal of this training course is to provide comprehensive and practical education in the field of machine learning and data science. Through this course, participants will be able to:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the principles and concepts of machine learning and data science.
- Master important algorithms and methods in the field of machine learning and data science.
- Acquire the ability to use tools and programming languages commonly employed in this domain.
- Solve real-world problems using machine learning techniques.
Some common prerequisites for enrolling in this course include the following:
- – Mathematics Fundamentals: A solid understanding of basic mathematics, mathematical operations, calculus, and statis tics can help participants grasp the concepts and algorithms of machine learning.
- – Programming: Familiarity with a programming language such as Python or R can assist participants in implementing machine learning algorithms, performing data analysis, and working with data.
- – Statistical Concepts: Knowledge of fundamental statistical concepts such as distributions, probability theory, hypothe sis testing, and statistical analysis aids participants in under standing machine learning methods and interpreting results.
Download COURSE Catalog:
Data-Machine learning-Amirinejhad – Moradi
* START DATE: 19 Mehr 1403
* END DATE: 27 Mehr 1403
* Days: Thursdays & Fridays